Saturday, May 29, 2010

Guess who came into Target tonight...

this lady.

good old
(if you're not sure who she is, click on her name.)
(She now goes by Mary Fualaau.)

So apparently she shops at my Target, but this was my first sighting of her. Vili (now her husband) wasn't with her but two of his kids were. I even had to call her daughter's name (Georgia) over the loud speaker because MK couldn't find her and the store was closing.
 (Now that I know her I can call her MK, we're that close.)
So yeah, it was totally weird, and I had to share.

I hope they are very happy together...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Craiggers!

I hope you have an awesome day!!
Oh, and I love you!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

This song says it all.

I miss my team.

Pet Peeve part two.

I really, really, really dislike it when I love something so much, that all I want to do is share it with everyone I care most about in life (and even those I don't because it's that awesome), but they couldn't care less.

Ok that isn't exactly what happened this time but close enough, and it wasn't any less irritating...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Just got my tickets!

Junior and Ichiro "Cooperstown Bound" Dual Bobblehead Night

For the first 30,000 fans. I hope I get there early enough!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Just got home from seeing this movie.
It was two hours and twenty minutes of pure awesomeness.
This version of Robin Hood is the back story of how he became an outlaw,
and Russell Crowe did an amazing job.
Go see it. I promise you, you won't be sorry.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Confessions of a hair novice.

So I am getting my haircut tomorrow. I have no idea how I want it cut. I am not good at doing my hair and to tell you the truth, I am plain lazy. Depending on how early I have to be to work and how much earlier I would have to wake up determines whether I will flat iron my hair or just throw it up into a messy bun right out of the shower (which is all I really know how to do, pathetic I know).

So my hair is about this length right now while straight, more or less. (Btw, I love this hair!)

I know I don't want to go too short because my hair is thick and poofy so I would just end up looking like a big mushroom. Plus this is the longest I have had my hair in a long time so I am kind of attached to it but I really need to get rid of these nasty split ends, ugh... I am going to go for side bangs again though, that I do know that for sure.

This one is cute, but I would most likely keep my hair a little longer.

This is super cute too.

If I were brave, but I'm not...

As of right now I am thinking of just trimming an inch or two off, with long layers and the side bangs. That way I can continue to grow my hair out. Not gross down to your bottom long, but nice long, unless anyone has a better suggestion...

Now on to styling.

I really like Amanda Seyfried's hair, especially in Letter's to Juliet. (All that is missing is the side bangs.) How do I get my hair to look like this? Do I straighten it then curl it? I guess I need to buy a curling iron, that might help.

Or how do I do this?

Another problem is I have this weird in-between hair. It's not curly, it's not straight, but it sure is FRIZZY! So frustrating, hence just throwing it up everyday. So if anyone has any hair solutions, tips, ideas for cuts, styling and managing, please let me know (the more simple, quick, and easy the better). That goes for straight or curly styles because I would like to be able to do either at a moments notice and according to my mood.

As for up-dos and actually doing my hair all fancy like, I am at a COMPLETE loss.

I would love to be able to do this.

Or this.

But, back to the immediate problem at hand, I need cute hair cut ideas, and I need them fast. My appointment is for 7:00 PM tomorrow. As for the styling tips just keep them coming. I need all the help I can get.

Thanks in advance, I appreciate it more than you know!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Letters to Juliet

I saw this movie yesterday...

I love a good chick flick.

Though a little cheesy at times, I really liked the story line.

The main actor (Christopher Egan) in the movie wasn't my favorite, but he did a good job. I am just more attracted to the tall, dark, and handsome type.

I am really liking Amanda Seyfried the more movies I see her in. She seems so real to me.

It really made me want to go here.
Verona, Italy.

and here...
 Siena, Italy.

So, if you are looking for a cute movie to see with your mom, sisters, or friends of the female persuasion, then I totally recommend this movie.
I really enjoyed it.
I think guys would get bored with it so don't even bother asking them to go with you.
Also, it's only PG so it was a pretty clean movie with only a few swear words.
I went to the 11:10 AM showing because before noon at Kent Station movies are only $6!
I don't think I would spend $10 to see it, but it was totally worth the cheaper price.
 If you get the chance, check it out!

P.S. If you aren't sure what the movie is even about click here or watch the trailer below!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!

I just want to let you all know I have the best mom in the whole wide world.
I love her so much and am grateful for everything she has ever done for me!
(which is a lot!)
I hope I get to be a mom just as amazing as her some day.

So Happy Mother's Day Mom,
 I love you!

As well as my mom, I am blessed to know so many great mothers...

My sisters, who have dedicated themselves to their husbands and children, keeping them healthy, happy, and loved, are the biggest influence on the way I want to raise my kids. They are such an example to me and I am thankful for all their effort and hard work.

So to my mom, sisters, friends, and to all you other awesome mother's out there let your husband and kids spoil you today, because you deserve it!

P.S. Let me know how you spent your day and how your families pampered you.
 (so I can get some ideas to share with my future family)
or how you pampered your own mom if you don't have any kids of your own yet!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Proudly introducing the newest member of my family.

A year and a half after Mike Jones' passing I finally decided it was time for a new hamster.
I got this little guy three months ago but I had to keep him a secret from my parents because I knew my mom would be mad at me
(but not really, she's a sucker for all little furry pets).

So now that the cat's out of the bag so to speak, (my mom had to go get a book out of my room so I figured I should tell her before she saw him.)

 I would like to introduce Marshmallow.
 Named for Marshall in How I Met Your Mother.
His wife Lily calls him Marshmallow as a term of endearment and in turn he calls her Lilypad.
I thought it was cute.
Plus this little guy is white so it works out perfectly.

Though no hamster will ever be able to fill the hole in my heart left after Mike Jones' passing, I am excited to have a little friend again to love and keep me company!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This totally made my day.

My sister Annelisa called me today, and while we were chatting I hear my niece Katelyn ask, "who are you talking to?" and when my sister said, "April" my niece asked if she could talk to me. Once she got on the phone she asked me when I was coming to visit her and I told her I would come as soon as I could and then I asked her if she had fun while my brother and sister-in-law were there visiting. After a few minutes I told her I loved her and then she gave the phone back to Annelisa. Annelisa and I resumed our conversation, then all of the sudden I hear:

Katelyn (3 and a 1/2): Mom, I need to ask April a question.
Annelisa: You just talked to her, tell me what it is and I'll ask her for you.
Katelyn: I love you April!
Annelisa (to me): Katelyn loves you April.
Annelisa (to Katelyn): That's not a question Katelyn, that's a statement.
April: Tell her I love her too.
Annelisa: She loves you too Katelyn.
Katelyn (in the background): I love April! I love April!

It totally made my day.

I really miss this little girl.

Ryan and I ripping Craig's shirt off at dinner was a lot of fun too though...