Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Reading should be against the law, seriously.

I LOVE to read. It is one of my all time favorite things. When a book just pulls you in and it is so good you can't/just won't put it down. Probably the worst thing about reading is it makes me plain lazy. I can read for hours on end not even leaving my room. It's amazng how the time just flies and I don't even realize it. If I didn't have to work I would never leave my room! I also tend to get attached to books, I have to read fast, to find out what happens in the end but then when the book is done I sort of feel lost and alone. Like I just lost a good friend.

Well anyway that happened to me last night...

A few days ago I started reading:

These is my Words
 The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine
By Nancy E. Turner

I didn't really have much time to get into it when I first started a few days ago but then yesterday after work I got sucked in and couldn't stop until I was finished. Unfortunately for me that wasn't until 1:00 AM last night and I had to be up for work by 5:30. It was totally worth it though. Such a good book. Now, I don't want to spoil it for anyone but if you like a good love story like I do, you HAVE to read this book! Plus that time period is always so interesting to read about. It's a fictional story about a young woman and her family in the Arizona territory. It is heartbreaking, sweet, funny, tender, and even scary at times. It brings out every emotion like a good book should. Sarah is a very believeable character and is totally my hero and I have to admit I am madly in love with Captain Jack Elliot. My crush started as soon as he was introduced and by the end I would do anything to marry a guy like that!

So go read it! You won't regret it, I promise!

Now I am reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I'll let you know how it is!

Friday, April 23, 2010

I just realized something...

My life is so boring, that I don't have anything exciting to blog about.

I have been really busy with work and housesitting and things like that, that I haven't had a chance to sit down and blog about anything for awhile.

So I thought today, on my one day off of work this week that I would sit down and catch up on a little blogging.

It was then that I realized that I really don't have anything to say. Despite being so busy my life is still really boring.

So as I sat here at a loss of what to blog about, I decided to catch up on reading all the posts I have missed on all the blogs I follow and I realized that my blog will never be HALF as awesome as any of those ones.

I am just not creative enough or have the time or the dedication to make anything more of it.

It is what it is.

That's ok though. I can deal with that.

I hope you can too.

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Who's excited...?

Tonight's the night we have all been waiting for!

After almost five LOOOONG months, Glee is finally back!!

Don't forget to watch it tonight, it's on at a special time!
(Check your local listing.)

Monday, April 12, 2010


How was everyone's weekend?
Mine was awesome...
Except for the fact that I may have gained 20lbs from all the really good food I ate.
(Ok not really but it feels that way.)

Let's see, what else?

I LOVE my new bike and can't wait to go for a long ride!
I also got a new helmet and bike lock to go with it.
I got Super Mario Brothers for Wii from my brother as a late B-Day present.
I haven't played it yet but I am pretty excited because it is supposed to be more like the original Mario game.
I have watched the first few episodes of the first season of MacGyver.
Also a B-Day present from my other brother.
(My famly loves me!!)
Man I love that show and I still wish that I could have married him...
I also ended up seeing Date Night twice.
Friday and Saturday night.
It is hilarious.
I will definitely be owning that one.

Ok well I am off to bed.
Busy week ahead full of:
Bike rides
hopefully lots of other fun things!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A few things I am excited for this weekend...

First payday!!

Birthday dinner and cheesecake with some good friends!!

Hmm... which one should I choose?

Seeing a funny movie!!

Family Birthday dinner at my favorite restaurant!!

Joining a new gym with some new friends from work!!

and last but not least...

Getting a new bike!!

I can't WAIT for this weekend to start!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Well it's official...

I'm old.

Happy Easter everyone!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pet Peeve.

Ha ha! I just realized... No pun intended!!

Ok, so maybe it's just me but when you have a dog and you let it outside, you should either:

A. supervise it,
B. chain it up,
C. build a fence or install an electric fence.

Don't get me wrong, I like dogs. They make great pets and they can be so cute. I would love them even more if I wasn't allergic to them and if they didn't cause my asthma to act up. Anyway, back to the point. I've been running around the block the last couple of days because the Lake Youngs Trail is all muddy from the torrents of rain we have been having. Well when I turn down Lake Youngs Road, there has been this Black Lab just wandering around. When he sees me, he runs up and  follows me, sniffing at my feet as I run. I even cross the street trying to avoid him but he just crosses right on over too. I have no idea if this dog is friendly. Who knows, he could be the sweetest dog in the world, BUT the problem with that sentence is the key words: "WHO KNOWS?" What if he had tried to bite me?!  It freaks me out. I mean what if little kids were outside playing and a free roaming dog just came up and attacked them? Unless you know the dog personally you just can't tell.

I mean ok, it's been a few days and this dog hasn't tried to hurt me (yet), but it's the principle of the matter!

So as a pet owner, I think they should take responsibilty for their pet and make sure that it doesn't bother innocent bystanders just out for some good old fashioned exercise.

What's your opinion?

I really do like dogs, promise!