Monday, June 30, 2008

Here comes the bride... again.

So this last weekend I drove to Spokane to see one of my good friends from high school Angela get married (again) *note she married they same guy their first wedding was just quick because they were moving to Montana and none of her friends got to go so they had another one.
I have not had that much fun in a while. I met some really cool people both from Seattle and Montana and saw a couple of friends from High school I hadn't seen in six years! I arrived in Spokane on Friday around 5:00 in the afternoon and I had barely any voice left. Well what do you expect? It was a four hour drive and I was by myself so I was bored. What else is there to do besides sing at the top of my lungs the whole way there?
So first night was the rehearsal dinner. Not having to go to the rehearsal but still get a nice dinner, how sweet is that? Then Angela and the bridesmaids and I went to their hotel and spent the night because I was an "honorary" bridesmaid. Right... but really I got all the luxuries of a bridesmaid without the hard work and dress. Just how I like it!
The next morning (Saturday) was the big day! We woke up early because Angela had a hair and makeup appointment and I was her driver. Let me tell you this now Spokane has the worst roads ever! They have the dumbest intersections and the roads are in serious need of repair. Also I should mention that Hoop Fest was this weekend as well. The biggest three on three basketball tournament in the country (maybe world). Guess where it is held? SPOKANE! That's right. Kudos to you. So not only are the roads retarded, half of them were closed because courts were set up on them.
Ok I shouldn't really complain because they are the ones who had to play out in the 95 degree weather. BUT STILL!
I dropped Angela off at her makeup appointment after driving around for 20 minutes trying to find street parking and then after she left me so she wouldn't be late, I drove around for another half hour still looking. I ended up parking 15 blocks away or so. For me it wasn't bad because I live in Seattle and am used to walking everywhere but it was dang hot out there and she had to walk back after getting her face did. Good thing it was sweat proof 12 hour makeup air painted on for only $225.00.
Anyway so the wedding was outside along with the reception -Crazy Angela, what was she thinking? An outside wedding in June (almost July) in Spokane? I am surprised I didn't get heat stroke. It was very pretty though.
At the reception after being coaxed on the dance floor after lots of begging from the bride and some of Jesse's Microsoft friends (and after I changed into something a little more comfortable) I actually danced once with a Jack Black double in both looks and personality. His name was Peter and he was a riot! Of course after our dance I quickly got back off of the dance floor.
Once it was all over it was back to Angela's parent's house for me because I am cheap and couldn't afford a hotel (so I mooched so what). One of Jesse's (the groom in case you were wondering) friends Eric was also in need of a place to stay so he was there as well. So what did we do when we got back there around midnight? Played pool and talked until 2:30 in the morning (Angela's sister Sarah was with us too hanging out).
Sunday there was a brunch at the parent's house so lots of people from the wedding came over and we ate and played volley ball and I got sunburned. It was record breaking heat or something like that. We were all sweaty and gross but it was so much fun.
I am so glad I went. I almost didn't because I had to go alone and Angela had told me the only people I would probably know there besides her and Jesse were her parents and sister. I am a very shy person so to make that trip not knowing anyone was very brave of me I should say, and it was totally worth it. I am glad I got to meet those people and I hope I get to see some of them again someday!
I don't have a camera so I don't have any pictures but Sarah (Angela's sister and hired photographer) will hopefully share!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Research this.

So I started school today (Just got home in fact. First days are always the shortest). I haven't been in school for five years so I thought I would start slow, you know, with one class, see how it goes.

Since the summer quarter is a lot shorter they only offer certain classes at certain times and the only one that fit into my schedule and fulfilled one of my requirements was English 201 Research papers... What was I thinking?! Research papers! That isn't baby steps, that is like a giant leap. I should be taking a PE class or an Art class or I don't know anything but this! *Note- When I say anything but this, that excludes all Math and Lab Science classes. Those will come later when I am better prepared and the shock of going to school again has worn off.

So this class is Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6:00pm to 9:45pm for six weeks. Again, what was I thinking? I decided that it was perfect because at the time I was working 40 hours a week and thought I could only handle one class. Well, now that I have quit my job and am looking for one with more flexible hours I should have rearranged my school schedule and maybe taken more classes.

For right now, I think I have enough on my plate and all I can say is I hope it tastes better than it looks. Oh well. At least the teacher seems nice. So wish me luck and I will keep you updated on what my research topic shall be and how the paper is coming along.

P.S. Any ideas and pointers will help---talking to you Mrs. Morris

Monday, June 23, 2008

"Missed it by that much."- Maxwell Smart

I saw this movie this weekend with my two brothers, sister-in-law and my friend Ashley. I loved it, a MUST SEE! Even if you didn't grow up watching the re-runs like my family did, you will love it. Steve Carell is awesome. He is so awkwardly funny and he played the part perfectly. Don't get me wrong I loved Don Adams as the original Agent 86 but this movie was a good tribute. I can't wait to make my dad go see it!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nothing says "I love you" like candy.

I don't know if I have told you or not but I have the best boyfriend ever. He does so much for me. He is always supportive of my endeavors and encourages me to do whatever makes me happy. So I decided to surprise him with a candy gram. Cheesy I know, and though candy can never fully describe what Anthony really means to me it was kind of fun to write...
Shhh... It's a secret.

*Note* Candy used will be in bold.


The REISEN for this letter is to let you know how much I love you. I can't believe I SKOR-ed a BIG HUNK like you. (Not just any MIKE AND IKE would do!!) I know it isn't always easy when I SNICKER about your 100 GRAND PAYDAYS and the MOUNDS of time you spend at work but I know NOW AND LATER you will always be there for me, my LIFESAVER. Thank you for that. Thank you for all the GOOD AND PLENTY times and just remember that when I call you a NERD or a WHATCHAMACALLIT I mean it in the nicest way possible!



P.S. I ended up having to substitute RAISINETS for REISEN because I went to (count em) one, Two, THREE different stores and all they had were big bags of them. No candy bar size. How lame. Oh well I am sure Anthony will like it anyway.
P.P.S. You will have to excuse the lack of artistic ability or just the fact that I can't write straight.
P.P.P.S. Happy Birthday Dad! I love you!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Here is to the future... My future!

So my last day of work is creeping ever closer! It is still very hard to believe. With no job lined up, I feel like I am heading into the unknown. It is all very exciting.

Last Thursday I decided that I have had ENOUGH. Every morning I have to struggle with myself just to get up and go to work. I despise it. My job is so unrewarding. My boss basically told me there was no room for advancement and that my job is what it is. Also I am starting school next week and even though I am only taking one class, I haven’t been in school for almost five years!!! There is no way I could juggle working full time and school, plus starting in the Fall I want to start going to school full time. So I went into my boss’ office and basically said I can’t do it all, I either need to move to part time or find a job with more flexible hours. I knew in doing this that he would say no, he doesn’t let anyone work part time because he is weird like that. Anyway, when he said no I had a hard time not jumping for joy. I am so ready to be out of here.

I start school Tuesday June 24th and in the mean time I am looking for a job with flexible hours. It doesn’t necessarily have to be part time just something I can work around my new life that is school.

*Let me know if you have any leads. Preferably in the downtown Seattle area!*

Monday, June 16, 2008

And the countdown begins...

four and a half days left of work, I can't wait!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

"Hey Anthony, you want to play a really fun game?" -Joel Morris

So I spent last night with some of my favorite people whom I don’t see often enough. Joel, Candace and Adam Morris! Seriously I only see Adam about once a year and Joel and Candace maybe two to three times. How sad is that? I love the way I feel when I am around them. They make me feel so comfortable and they genuinely care about me and my life plus we laugh a lot (but how can you not when Anthony, Adam and Joel get together? They are a riot!)

For instance Anthony and I walked over to Joel and Candace’s new place where Adam was spending the night and sat around and chatted while watching Anthony and Joel play a really funny juggling game. It consisted of one of them juggling and then the other one stealing the balls out of the air but keeping up the juggling without dropping any. Then we decided to go on a walk and show Adam all the huge houses over by Volunteer Park. On the way the boys decided to try climbing a huge tree. They were giving each other boosts and trying to walk up the tree. It was good for a laugh. After that we just wandered around and decided to go get something to eat. We ended up at Coastal Kitchen where we shared tons of food. It was such a blast. Then around 11:30 we started the journey home. Of course I left my purse at Joel and Candace’s because I didn’t want to carry it on the walk so we had to go all the way back over there first before we could go home. The wind was blowing pretty hard and it was freezing (for June anyway) so we decided to run part of the way to warm up, luckily
it was downhill!

I really miss spending time with those guys and I really miss Adam. I wish he lived here (Erin too and I am excited to see her when she gets here Sunday!!)

*Pictures are from Adam and Erin's Wedding in Savannah, Georgia. Adam's bachelor party crashed the girls bachelorette party. Candace and I were one of the boys!