Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I love you dad!

You know what stinks? That fact that no matter how hard we try we can't help but to take people for granted. That is until we lose them or almost lose them.

This last weekend I almost lost my dad. I have never been so scared in my life. The thought of losing another family member was just unfathomable. I was and am not ready for that. Losing my sister was one of the hardest things I have ever gone through and even now it still makes me sad and I think about her everyday.

So my dad still being in the hospital and not fully awake (it could take awhile) but making progress everyday, I am feeling a lot more confident in his recovery and am finally able to write about it.

I am not going to go into the details of that night on here but rather tell you a little about my dad.

My dad is the best dad in the whole wide world. I know a lot of people say that but I know I'm right. My dad is amazing. He is the smartest man I have ever known. He can fix and or build anything. He loves to read and do crossword puzzles (he knows so many useless facts but I love it). He loves to learn about anything and everything and can sit and talk about the things he has learned for hours. I love how he gets excited when he talks about things that interest him. He is the cutest man. He always helps me on any questions I have financially, medically, spiritually etc. He is the most caring and loving man and willing to help anyone in need. He has done so much for me in my 24 years and I owe him so much. I never told him how much he has helped me, is an example to me, and how much I respect and love him. When I get married someday I will use my dad as a guideline of what I want in a husband.

I am crying now as I write this even though things are looking good, and even though it may take a while, we are praying for a complete recovery. I want my dad back. It has been so hard to be here in Alaska away from him while this is happening. I know my being there won't help but I still can't help wanting to be there.

I am so thankful for the prayers and thoughts from all my friends and and family. I know they have helped in healing my dad and bringing comfort to me and my family. I am also so thankful for my brother Craig who basically saved my dad's life doing compressions until the ambulance could get there. I am also thankful for Ryan and Becky Jo being so close to offer support to my mom in this time and to my dad. Also to all the people who have come to the hospital and stayed with my mom and those who called as well. So many people genuinely care and love my dad. I can only hope that someday people will be there and care about me just as much.

To my mom you are a really strong woman. I have no idea how you have kept it together through all of this. You are an example to me as well and I really appreciate you and love you. To my brothers and sisters I love you and I am thankful that we have the gospel in our lives to help us through this.

I wish I had a picture to post of my dad but I don't. I will have to remedy this.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words...

I know I haven't posted in a long time and really a lot has been going on but nothing exciting to write about so I'll let you see it instead.

*note* these pictures are NOT in chronological order!

Just to give you an idea of what was happening in these pictures...

  • Chena Hot Springs

  • Go Kart

  • Bowling

  • -25 to -50 degree temperatures
(no that sign is not correct. It was about -40 that night)

  • Christmas

  • Halloween

  • Muktuk tasting

  • Shooting a gun

  • Living Nativity